Past Perfect Tense

What is Past Perfect Tense Indefinite Tense

Definition and meaning of present indefinite tense :

On this page, you’ll find detailed information about the past perfect tense. We have covered the meaning, rules, structure, and various types of past perfect tense followed by examples to enhance your understanding. 

The past perfect tense tells about an action that occurred or completed long time ago in the past. It also tells about something that happened before a certain time or event in the past. We use helping verb ” Had ” and then add the past participle ( third form ) of the main verb ( like “eaten” or “gone” )

ऐसी कोई भी घटना या कार्य जो भूतकाल में ही आरंभ होकर भूतकाल में ही समाप्त हो चुका था । इन वाक्यों के अंत में चुका था , चुकी थी , चुके थे इत्यादि शब्दों का उपयोग होता है । उदाहरण के लिए : मेरे विद्यालय पहुँचने से पहले ही परीक्षा समाप्त हो चुकी थी ।

Note :
Action finished first is written in past perfect tense and action finished later is written in past indefinite tense.

Specific usage of Before and After in past perfect tense :

past perfect tense

  • Before : “Before” is often used with the past perfect to indicate an action that happened prior to a particular point in the past. For example: “I had completed my homework before the class started.”

  • After : “After” can be used to express an action that happened subsequent to another event in the past.
    For instance: “He had left the party after I arrived.”

Examples of Scenarios and Sentences:

  1. Scenario: Event A and Event B in the Past

    • Sentence: After I had finished my dinner, I went for a walk.
  2. Scenario: Event A in the Past and Event B before Event A

    • Sentence: Before they arrived, she had already left.
  3. Scenario: Event A, B, and C in the Past

    • Sentence: She had studied for her exams, watched a movie, and then went to bed.
  4. Scenario: Event A and Event B in the Past with Emphasis on Sequence

    • Sentence: John had already left when I arrived at the party.
Use Of Before 

यदि भूतकाल में दो घटनायें हुईं हों और एक घटना दूसरी घटना से पहले हुई तो तब पहले होने वाली घटना के लिए  past perfect tense  का उपयोग करेंगे और बाद में होने वाली घटना को past  indefinite  tense में लिखेंगे ।

Past perfect tense sentence + Before + Past indefinite tense sentence

उदाहरण के लिए :

मोहन के विद्यालय पहुँचने से पहले परीक्षा समाप्त हो चुकी थी ।

पहली घटना : परीक्षा का समाप्त होना 

दूसरी घटना : मोहन का विद्यालय पहुँचना 

परीक्षा पहले समाप्त हुई ( पहली घटना) अतः उसे past  perfect  tense  में लिखेंगे और मोहन बाद में विद्यालय पहुँचा ( दूसरी घटना ) अतः उसे past  indefinite  tense में लिखेंगे ।

The exam had finished before Mohan reached the school.

Use Of After 

यदि भूतकाल में दो घटनायें हुईं हों और एक घटना दूसरी घटना के बाद हुई तो तब पहले होने वाली घटना के लिए  past perfect tense  का उपयोग करेंगे और बाद में होने वाली घटना को past  indefinite  tense में लिखेंगे ।

Past indefinite tense sentence + After  + Past perfect tense sentence

उदाहरण के लिए :

गीता के मंदिर पहुँचने के बाद वर्षा आरंभ हो चुकी थी ।

पहली घटना : गीता का मंदिर पहुँचना 

दूसरी घटना : वर्षा का आरंभ होना 

गीता मंदिर पहले पहुँची ( पहली घटना) अतः उसे past  perfect  tense  में लिखेंगे और वर्षा बाद में आरंभ हुई ( दूसरी घटना ) अतः उसे past  indefinite  tense में लिखेंगे ।

The rain started after Geeta had reached the temple.

Rules Of Positive / Affirmative Sentences In Past Perfect Tense :

Subject + Helping/Auxiliary Verb ( Had ) + Third form of Main Verb + Object

Example : बच्चे मैदान में फुटबॉल खेल चुके थे । - Children had played football in the ground.

Exercise with answers :

Rules Of Negative Sentences In Past Perfect Tense :

Subject + Helping/Auxiliary Verb ( Had ) + Not + Third form of Main Verb + Object

Example : बच्चे मैदान में फुटबॉल नहीं खेल चुके थे । - Children had not played football in the ground.

Exercise with answers :

Interrogative Sentence

Rule : Auxilliary/helping verb ( Had ) + Subject + Third form of Main Verb ( past participle ) + Object

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